Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Confessions of a tea-aholic

By long time addiction to tea is in no way ready to leave me :P

Yes, I am a tea addict. Having tried many times to control the addiction , I still have the tea cup in my hand while I compose this post :(

My mom always tell me too much of tea/coffee is not good for health but there is something in this tea that awakens my senses whenever I drink it.

In college days, to keep myself awake at night or in the early morning while studying I drank tea and yes, that helped a lot to score good marks by studying well.

At work, whenever I was struck at some logic in coding , I would go to pantry ,grab myself a cup of tea/coffee and start thinking about my programming issue.

But now, when I am on vacation , I somehow give myself a lame reason to make myself a cup of hot brewing tea / coffee.

I have faced few problems being a tea-aholic but somehow can't stop drinking it every 3-4 hours.

Hope I stop being a tea addict some fine day soon ...

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